The 411 on the Abortion Pills
Miso-something, mife-something, you know the pills - for an abortion… They are known by many names but when facing an unplanned pregnancy, the abortion pills are one of your options. Here is some more information on that option!
What exactly are those abortion pills?
The medical abortion pills are mifepristone and misoprostol. According to the FDA, these pills should only be “used to end a pregnancy through ten weeks gestation (70 days or less since the first day of the last menstrual period)” (FDA, 2023). Mifepristone is the first pill you take in a chemical abortion, and it is used to block progesterone, a necessary hormone to maintain a viable pregnancy. Misoprostol is the second pill taken in the series, and this pill “causes your uterus to contract, bleed and expel the pregnancy” (Cleveland Clinic, 2024). In layman’s terms, the first pill is supposed to end the pregnancy, and the second pill induces labor to rid your body of the remnants.
What do you need to know before terminating a pregnancy with the pills?
The FDA warns that an abortion through pills may not be the option for you if you are more than ten weeks along in your pregnancy. Another factor to consider before taking the pills is where your pregnancy is located in your body. If the pregnancy is ectopic (meaning located outside of the uterus most commonly in your fallopian tube), the abortion pill would not be effective as it only expels what is in the uterus. To ensure you are carrying your pregnancy in your uterus, a confirmation ultrasound is necessary. The Resource Center provides nurse-guided ultrasounds for free to ensure intrauterine pregnancy. Other factors that may put your reproductive and overall health at risk if taking the abortion pill include: having problems with the adrenal glands, actively being treated with certain drugs like long-term corticosteroid therapy, being allergic to the abortion pills or similar drugs, actively taking blood thinning drugs or are prone to bleeding problems, having inherited porphyria, or having an IUD in place (FDA 2023).
What are the abortion pill side effects?
According to the National Library of Medicine, mifepristone side effects can include vaginal bleeding or spotting, cramps, pelvic pain, vaginal burning, itching, or discharge, and headaches. Misoprostol side effects can include diarrhea, headaches, stomach pain, gas, vomiting, constipation, and indigestion. The interaction of these two drugs in the abortion pill series commonly cause “bleeding and cramping that start one to four hours after taking the second pill, heavy cramping and bleeding with blood clots over the next several hours, and a low-grade fever or chills that last about a day after taking the second pill” (Cleveland Clinic, 2024). As with any medication, the side effects of a medical abortion through pills can vary from person to person, so be sure to talk with your doctor before proceeding. Because the abortion pills are often not taken in the presence of a medical professional, it is also important to let somebody know when you take the pills - that way, somebody will know to check up on you if there are any complications.
How much does the abortion pill cost?
The price of the abortion pills varies depending on provider and insurance, but the average cost of a medication abortion is around $580 but can be as much as $800. The abortion pill price can be hefty, so it is important to ensure that it is the right choice for you before proceeding.
The abortion pills are just one of your many options when facing an unplanned pregnancy. This blog only scratches the surface on what you should know before making a decision. The age-old saying “knowledge is power” still stands true. You have the right to be educated on all your options before making a decision. The Resource Center here in Greeley provides just that - education. Our desire is for women to make the decisions that are best for themselves, so our goal is to provide the information that they need. We are simply a first stop on your pregnancy journey. We are a free medical clinic that can confirm your pregnancy and confirm that it is viable. We will provide you with information on all three of your options: abortion, adoption, and parenting, and it is your choice from there. Whatever you decide, we will continue to support you however we can afterward. Book a free appointment today to talk more about the option of the abortion pills as well as your other options!
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. “Questions and Answers on Mifeprex.” U.S. Food and Drug Administration, September 1, 2023. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/postmarket-drug-safety-information-patients-and-providers/questions-and-answers-mifepristone-medical-termination-pregnancy-through-ten-weeks-gestation.
Cleveland Clinic . “What Is a Medical Abortion?” Cleveland Clinic, May 1, 2024. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/21899-medical-abortion.
“Mifepristone (Mifeprex): Medlineplus Drug Information.” MedlinePlus, November 15, 2024. https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a600042.html.
“Misoprostol: Medlineplus Drug Information.” MedlinePlus, April 15, 2023. https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a689009.html#:~:text=Misoprostol%20is%20used%20alone%20or,or%20pharmacist%20for%20more%20information.